Chapters 1-3 (Book Three)
"He was standingup from the plank bed in the half-certainty that he had heard O'Brien's voice. All though his interrogation, although he had never seen him, he had had the feeling that O'Brien who was at his elbow, just out of sight. It was O'Brien who was directing everything. It was he who set the guards onto Winston and who prevented them form killing him. It was he who decided when Winston should scream with pain, when he should have a respite, when he should be fed, when he should sleep, when the drugs should be pumped into his arm." (Orwell, 201)
O'Brien seems to be taking advantage of the power he has over his prisoner, Winston. O'Brien is trying to get the truth out of Winston about Julia and him. Winston is not strong enough for him because he is letting O'Brien control everything about him; the pain, starving him, and most importantly putting the party back in his head. This quote reminded meabout today and the wars that every country has fought in. Some people in higher authority think that they can use the people to get what they want or do what they want. They basically brain wash the people in their country, and once they know they could change they with their power they want o go for everyone else. Sometimes we as humans let power over take us, which leads us to overuse the power in a wrong way.
O'Brien seems to be taking advantage of the power he has over his prisoner, Winston. O'Brien is trying to get the truth out of Winston about Julia and him. Winston is not strong enough for him because he is letting O'Brien control everything about him; the pain, starving him, and most importantly putting the party back in his head. This quote reminded meabout today and the wars that every country has fought in. Some people in higher authority think that they can use the people to get what they want or do what they want. They basically brain wash the people in their country, and once they know they could change they with their power they want o go for everyone else. Sometimes we as humans let power over take us, which leads us to overuse the power in a wrong way.
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